While the Avengers are out catching Loki once again, their children have been called in to catch a new villain named Lithium.
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RiotTerritory - Member for 1 years
Can I reserve the child of Thor (female)?
You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later, you all dance with the Reaper... -

ReaperGirl4 - Member for 0 years
Damn just an hour or so too late lol Would've totally been up for Thor's kid. Oh wells. I'll deffinately be reading this to see how it turns out. I'm sure it'll be awesome ;]
I should go.

Bromander Shepard - Member for 0 years
You can still compete for it. Just send in both your characters and I'll check them out (:

RiotTerritory - Member for 1 years
haha naah I wouldn't do that. She got it first :] I've Rp'd with Reapergirl before though, she's really good. She'll do great. I might be down to be a second sibling if you'd be interested in that. Seeing as how Thor has had more than a few love interests from Jane Foster, to Lady Sif to Amora the Enchantress it would be easy for a second child to be out there but it's up to you. Your rp after all :)

Bromander Shepard - Member for 0 years
Count me in! Can I take a female child of Tony Stark? :D
Depending on interest I would be up for doubling up and taking on a male as well to balance things out.

Kenzi - Member for 2 years
Ooooooooh! Can I reserve captain america's male child

coolkat31 - Member for 0 years
I mean it depends on how many people I get for this. I'll PM you tomorrow or Monday to tell you how I'll decide though. I mean it is true and I might change it so that Thor is the one with two kids instead of Tony Stark.
And sure to both reservations

RiotTerritory - Member for 1 years
How do you feel about someone playing as spider-man or other marvel heroes? Spider-man has always been a solo act but he's been known to team up with the avengers on numerous occassions. If you're going to to do teenage superhero thing, why not follow DC's lead as they did with YJ.
Last edited by ZeroTolerance on Sat May 19, 2012 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a dreamcatcher but only nightmares I caught.

ZeroTolerance - Member for 1 years
Ahh thanks Bro c:
And I was planning on using Jane Foster

ReaperGirl4 - Member for 0 years
Can I reserve the last female and make her Stark's other child? Or would you prefer his other to be male?

KayEyeEmm - Member for 0 years
Zero: This is more related to the movie than the comics. Sorry.
Kay: The females are all taken.
Bromander: If that is what I decide, your character would be male?

RiotTerritory - Member for 1 years
You know Hawkeye and Black Widow arn't a couple right? She marries Tony Stark. =/

Noxize - Member for 1 years
Oh. My. Goodness. I'm basing this on the movie guys. I've never read any of the comics, so sorry if this isn't %100 accurate.

RiotTerritory - Member for 1 years
Yeah, he'd be male. If you decide to go ahead with it I'd like to throw a few pm's to and from Reapergirl so we can set up any sort of relationship that may or not be there between the siblings. I was thinking of having him Sif or Amoras son which would be cool since Reapergirl's is Janes daughter. Half siblings like their father. Hopefully they'll get along better than Thor and Loki though lol

Bromander Shepard - Member for 0 years
I hate when some kid sees a movie and is all "OMG I am making a RP of this!" and has no idea about ANY of the non-movie related details, and makes an abomination of fan-fic garbage. Im sorry if this offends, but honestly..how hard is it to read a few wikipedia articles at least?
If you knew ANYTHING about the comics before making this, then you would know that Zero there CAN have Spiderman, as he IS a memeber of the Avengers these days. As is a whole buncha folks not seen in the film. Hell, what about Pymm? He is kinda important.
If you wanna make a RP about something you know little about, why not let people that DO know more help fill in the gaps?
-End Comic Nerd Rant-

Noxize - Member for 1 years
Hey in Riot's defnese she DID use the film as her copyright reference source effectively giving everyone viewing the rp prior knowledge to the fact that the rp will be based off the movie and not the comic books. That being said these characters all have deep and rich histories in the canon verse and you can't really expect someone to learn enough to satisfy the fanboys with a few wiki articles. If it helps look at this as an alternate universe thusly allowing Black Widow and Hawkeye to have a child and so on. Hell DC and Marvel are notorious for alternate realities so cut Riot some slack. I get the frustration, it pisses me off too but let's not flip Asgardian monkey shit and wait to see if she actually makes a mistake.

Bromander Shepard - Member for 0 years
Yeah that is a rant :)
I havent seen the movie.
Let me know if you make an rpg based on the comics, not that Im an expert (like ol' nox there) I have read (downloaded) the first 5 or 6 avengers comics.
Last edited by WadeJackel on Sat May 19, 2012 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

WadeJackel - Member for 1 years
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