Friday, November 30, 2012

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Washington's Fiscal Cliff Dance

If you thought this week would be filled with closed door negotiating sessions involving leaders in Congress and President Obama over the fiscal cliff, that's not the recipe for success being utilized in Washington, D.C.

Instead, both parties are jacking up their public relations efforts, and trying their best to maneuver their opponents into a political corner.

On and off the Senate floor again on Tuesday, both sides took pot shots at each other; the two Senate leaders once more exchanged bitter lines over both the fiscal cliff and efforts by Democrats to limit the filibuster.

Meanwhile, there were no hints in the hallways of Capitol Hill that any headway was being made behind the scenes on a fiscal cliff tax and budget deal.

At the White House Press Briefing on Tuesday, reporters repeatedly asked spokesman Jay Carney if there would be a meeting scheduled this week between the President and Congressional leaders - Carney sidestepped the answer as he outlined an active next three days for Mr. Obama.

Q Last question, this is on the fiscal cliff. You have the President hopping on Air Force One this week and going outside the Philadelphia area to rally public support for his position on the fiscal cliff. We have Speaker Boehner announcing today that in the coming days and weeks Republican members will hold events and visit local small businesses. You were in a position just now when Dan asked about this to provide no details about any upcoming meetings with the leadership. If we look back to November 16 when the leaders were here, Minority Leader Pelosi spoke about projecting confidence to consumers and the markets in the short term by having on the President?s desk a blueprint for action by the week after Thanksgiving and potentially something for him to sign by Christmas. None of that appears to be in the cards, and as we see the President now getting on his airplane and the members drumming up going over the -- it seems like they?ve abandoned each other, and what I?m saying is it seems like these talks have effectively broken down. Am I wrong about that?

MR. CARNEY: I think you?re wrong. Again, the President spoke with Speaker of the House Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Reid over the weekend. Our team is continuing discussions with their congressional counterparts on this matter and it is entirely appropriate, I would say, both for the President and for leaders in Congress, to have this discussion not just among themselves, but with the American people. And that?s what the President is doing. That?s why he?s meeting with business leaders -- I assume you wouldn?t -- or critics would not suggest that as a mistake -- or meeting with civic leaders or labor leaders, because everyone the President is meeting with has both I think useful ideas and a substantial stake in the outcome of these negotiations because it is vitally important that we take action to ensure that, for example, middle-class Americans don't see their taxes go up by an average of $2,200 next year.

There?s no reason for that to happen because as you know Democrats and Republicans alike believe those tax rates should not go up. So let?s act on what we agree on. Let?s demonstrate to the American people that Washington can function; that when everyone agrees on something, we can actually act on it; and then continue to debate whether or not it is the right policy to extend low tax rates for those making more than $250,000 and millionaires and billionaires who make substantially more than that.

Q So why not stay in town and just hammer it out and get a deal done? Why is everyone jumping on their airplane for photo ops outside the Beltway?

MR. CARNEY: Well, again, that I find disparaging when you suggest that talking to the American people about their --

Q Didn't they speak in this election? Didn't we hear from them? Didn't they --

MR. CARNEY: The conversation continues, James. I mean I think it?s very important to continue that conversation with the American people both for the President and for members of Congress, and it?s important to continue that conversation with business leaders and with small business leaders and with civic leaders and labor leaders because everybody has a stake in this; and with ordinary middle-class Americans, with whom the President will be meeting tomorrow.

So it certainly doesn't prevent and won?t prevent work continuing to be done on the various ideas that people have about how to bring about the policy that we need to ensure that we don't go off the fiscal cliff, and more broadly that we deal with our fiscal challenges.

Q But, Jay, isn?t everybody just killing time --


Q -- until the deadline comes? I mean it just seems like everybody is just --

MR. CARNEY: It doesn't feel like killing time to me, Chuck.

Q Everybody is just killing time until the final week -- and the jet fumes from National Airport. (Laughter.) People get out of school, and the holidays come, and then everybody will actually sit down and hammer this out.

MR. CARNEY: Well, look, here?s a fact, the President has on the table a proposal that reduces the deficit by $4 trillion; that does it -- does so in balanced way; that includes substantial cuts to discretionary nondefense spending -- over $1 trillion; that includes revenue and includes $340 billion in savings from our health care entitlement programs. That is substance. So he has not waited for people to start smelling the jet fumes at National Airport. He has actively put forward a plan that --

Q Is Geithner at Boehner?s office today?

MR. CARNEY: I don't know of Secretary Geithner?s precise whereabouts, but I can -- at this moment. He was here earlier this morning. I can tell you that members of the President?s team are continuing to work on this issue as are members of Congress?s team and the congressional leaders? team. So it does not I think make a lot of sense to simply say, never mind, the American people and business leaders and small business leaders and civic leaders and labor -- cut them out of the process and stop the conversation with them. The President thinks that's a big mistake.


Q Wouldn?t it send a signal to the American people and to markets that -- to see the President meeting here with congressional leadership? That would be a signal that Washington can function.

MR. CARNEY: The signal that Washington can function is the result. Only inside the Beltway do people think that sitting in a room for a photo spray will solve, necessarily, problems. The work has to be done, and that work is being done. And everybody needs, as the President said, to agree to the principle that compromise will require tough choices by each side. And the President is willing to do that and has demonstrated his willingness to do that.

I would remind you that when it comes to entitlement reform savings that Republicans spent two election cycles, hundreds of millions of dollars beating the stuffing out of Democrats and the President for the $716 billion in savings that was achieved out of health care entitlements through the Affordable Care Act; savings which contribute to the fact, as the Congressional Budget Office, has made clear and independent economists have made clear that the Affordable Care Act reduces the deficit in the first decade and reduces it by more than $1 trillion in the second decade. So beyond the President has put forward in his budget an additional $340 billion in savings from health care programs.

So let?s then back up and say who is serious? Who has been -- who has demonstrated his willingness to make tough choices and suffer the consequences politically of doing so because they're the right things to do for the economy?

Q So you think if there had been progress since that November 16th meeting, there wouldn?t be a meeting -- another meeting this week, the following --

MR. CARNEY: I haven?t said there won?t be a meeting this week. I said I don't have a scheduling update for you.

Q So there is still the possibility of a meeting this week with the President and the congressional --

MR. CARNEY: I think -- I just don't have a scheduling update for you.



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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Chameleon Adds Custom Backgrounds to the Windows 8 Lock Screen Windows: If you're getting a little tired of the lock screen images in Windows 8, Chameleon is a free app that'll help you personalize it with new images or constantly-rotating images that change periodically.

Chameleon is available in the Windows App Store, and has built-in support for images from NASA's Astronomy Picture of The Day, National Geographic's photo of the day, Bing's picture of the day, and a number of other popular wallpaper sites. You can tell Chameleon to change the lock screen automatically after a given period of time in the options by itself, or you can browse the collections of images and add them to your own pool of images that Chameleon will choose from.

Windows 8 can automatically rotate wallpapers, so you don't need another app for that, but if you want a little something new and interesting every time you sit down to unlock your Windows 8 PC or tablet, Chameleon can do it for you. Plus, it's completely free.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Legal marijuana is not in Pennsylvania's foreseeable future ...

Don?t expect the Keystone State to be the Key-stoned State anytime soon.

While voters in Colorado and Washington approved citizen-proposed referendums this month legalizing recreational marijuana use, Pennsylvania has a long way to go before such a question makes its way on the ballot, midstate attorneys and legalization advocates agree.

Supporters say legalizing marijuana would be a boon for the economy, potentially generating millions in tax revenue, while opponents argue readily available pot would lead to people using drugs with more devastating effects.

?I don?t need a study to tell me marijuana is a gateway drug. I see it every day,? Cumberland County District Attorney David J. Freed said. ?We in law enforcement have to clean up the mess.?

Dauphin County District Attorney Edward M. Marsico Jr. said an additional concern would be more people driving under the influence.

A Yale University study this year showed alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana were associated with an increased likelihood of prescription drug abuse in men ages 18-25. The findings were published online in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

But a three-year-old study funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showed first-time marijuana use far outnumbered that of first-time heroin and cocaine use.

In 2009, about 2.3 million people over the age of 12 tried pot, while about 617,000 tried cocaine and about 180,000 tried heroin, according to the study.

?The current arguments (against legalization) are invalid,? said Derek Rosenzweig, cofounder of Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana and spokesman for the Philadelphia chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. ?There are so many reasons to go forward with it.?

Rosenzweig and others believe legalizing weed would bring the state millions in tax revenue, reduce law enforcement costs and bring in more tourism dollars.

Colorado?s law, for instance, gives state and local government the ability to control and tax the sale of small amounts of marijuana to adults age 21 and older. Analysts project the tax revenue could generate somewhere between $5 million and $22 million in the state.

But there are other benefits, Rosenzweig said.

?It would engender a better relationship between law enforcement and the general public,? he said. ?People can be secure in the fact they?re not doing anything illegal.?

Pro-pot groups hope to see legislation introduced in 2013 that would legalize marijuana for medicinal use. Currently, 18 states and the District of Columbia permit medical marijuana.

Similar proposals have failed in Pennsylvania?s General Assembly in 2009 and 2011. In addition, Gov. Tom Corbett has said he would veto any legalization bill, including medical marijuana, citing marijuana as a ?gateway drug.?

Nevertheless, Rosenzweig believes there?s support in Pennsylvania not just for medical marijuana, but for recreational use, too.

In Pennsylvania, a change in the law would have to come from the Legislature, unlike other states such as Colorado and Washington which permit citizen-initiated referendums.

Possession of a small amount of marijuana ? defined as less than 30 grams ? is a misdemeanor in Pennsylvania. Penalties are up to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Freed believes the law shouldn?t change.

?I do take a hard line on major dealers and manufacturers for two reasons,? he said. ?Drug dealing, any drug, is inherently violent activity.?


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Autism tied to pollution from traffic | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Children exposed to higher levels of air pollution early in life may have an increased risk of autism, a new study suggests.


In the study, children living in areas with high levels of traffic-generated air pollution during their first year of life were three times more likely to have autism than children living in areas with low levels.


There was also a link between exposure to air pollution in the womb ? particularly during late pregnancy ? and an increased risk of autism, according to the study.


The findings held even after the researchers accounted for factors possibly related to autism risk, including a child's gender and ethnicity, their parent's education and smoking in pregnancy.


The results add to previous findings linking exposure to air pollution with autism risk


However, the new study shows only an association, not a cause-effect link, and the researchers did not gather information on the children's nutrition, or their exposure to indoor pollutants and secondhand smoke, which could affect the results.


"Although additional research to replicate these findings is needed, the public health implications of these findings are large because air pollution exposure is common and may have lasting neurological effects," the researchers write in the Nov. 26 issue of the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.


Autism and air pollution

The study included 524 children between ages 2 and 5 living in California, including 279 children with autism. Most children lived in areas around Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Francisco.


Heather Volk, an environmental epidemiologist at the University of Southern California, and colleagues used the children's addresses to estimate their level of exposure to air pollution from traffic during pregnancy and the first year of life. The researchers also used information from air-pollution monitoring systems throughout the area that took into account road traffic volume and other measures.


Children living in areas estimated to have the highest levels of traffic-generated air pollution ? about 32 parts per billion (ppb) and above ? were more likely to have autism than children living in areas estimated to have levels of 10 ppb and below.


A person living at least 500 meters from a freeway in Southern California would be exposed to air pollution levels one-half to one-third of the levels seen in the highest pollution group, Volk said.


Children exposed to air pollution levels between 10 and 32 ppb were not at increased risk of autism compared with children exposed to lower levels.


Exposure to high levels of particulate matter, or particles in the air, was also associated with an increased risk of autism. Such particles are small enough to be inhaled into the lungs, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.


Volk noted that air-quality measures do not necessarily reflect the amount of traffic-generated air pollution on a local level, and so people living in areas with good air quality might still be at increased risk.


Potential for brain damage

If the link is real, exposure to air pollution is not likely to account for many cases of autism, said Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York in New Hyde Park, N.Y., who noted that many children don't live within 1 to 3 miles of a major highway.


"As much as it would be perhaps attractive to find a single cause for autism, the reality is there are many different causes," including genetic factors, said Adesman, who was not involved in the study. Many lines of research are needed to investigate these causes, Adesman said.


It's not known how air pollution might increase autism risk, but previous studies suggest it's biologically plausible.


Particles called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that are present in diesel exhaust have been shown to affect brain function through interactions with genes, the researchers said. In addition, research suggests air pollution may trigger inflammation that impairs the the tissue layer separating the brain from its blood vessels.



Related on MyHealthNewsDaily:


This story was originally written for MyHealthNewsDaily and was republished with permission here. Copyright 2012 MyHealthNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company.


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Alicia Keys Sings 'Gummi Bears' Theme Song On 'Fallon' (VIDEO)

Now that you're in a post-Thanksgiving food coma, why not wash down your feast with a hefty dose of ironic '90s nostalgia, courtesy Alicia Keys and Jimmy Fallon?

The Grammy winner stopped by "Late Night" on Wednesday to promote her upcoming album "Girl on Fire," but while there, performed a track that wasn't found on her new LP: The theme song from the '90s Disney cartoon "Gummi Bears."

Keys transformed the high-energy jingle about the bears who are "bouncing here and there and everywhere" into a mournful ballad that probably wasn't what the creators had in mind. Check out the original song below to compare.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Mursi draws fire with new Egypt decree

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi triggered controversy on Thursday by issuing a decree likely to lead to retrials of Hosni Mubarak and his aides but which was compared to the ousted leader's autocratic ways.

As well as ordering retrials for Mubarak-era officials responsible for violence during the uprising against his rule, the decree shielded from legal challenge an Islamist-dominated assembly writing Egypt's new constitution.

It gave the same protection to the upper house of parliament, dominated by Islamists allied to Mursi, and assigned the president new powers that allowed him to sack the Mubarak-era prosecutor general and appoint a new one.

It stated that all decisions taken by Mursi until the election of a new parliament were exempt from legal challenge.

Presented as a move to "protect the revolution", the decree won immediate praise from Mursi's allies but stoked fears among secular-minded Egyptians that the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies aim to dominate the new Egypt. It seemed likely to deepen the divisions that have plagued the post-Mubarak era.

"These decisions will feed discord in Egyptian politics and will be far from creating a favourable climate for restoration of economic growth," Mustapha Kamal Al-Sayyid, a professor of political science at Cairo University, said.

Leading liberal politician Mohamed ElBaradei, writing on his Twitter account, said Mursi had "usurped all state powers and appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh". But Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman for the Brotherhood, described the move as "revolutionary and popular".

The decree appeared to remove any uncertainty still hanging over the fate of the assembly writing the constitution. The body has faced a raft of legal challenges from plaintiffs who dispute its legality.

Critics say its popular legitimacy had been further called into doubt by withdrawals of many of its non-Islamist members who had complained their voices were not being heard.

The constitution is a crucial element in Egypt's transition to democracy. New parliamentary elections will not be held until the document is completed and passed by a popular referendum.

The decree also gave the body an additional two months to complete its work, meaning the drafting process could stretch until February, pushing back new elections.


The move to order a retrial of Mubarak-era officials will likely be popular among those who feel that revolutionary justice has yet to be served.

Mubarak, 84, was sentenced to life in prison in June for failing to prevent killings that occurred during the uprising that led to his February 11, 2011 downfall. He has been held in a prison hospital since his sentence was handed down.

Yet critics have faulted the process by which he and other officials were put on trial. One of the problems, they say, was that the Mubarak-era prosecutor general had not been replaced.

Mursi had tried to replace Abdel Maguid Mahmoud, the man sacked on Thursday, in October. The move kicked up a storm of protest from judges who said the president had exceeded his powers and was threatening their independence.

Mursi got around the problem this time by giving himself the power to appoint a new prosecutor general, Talat Abdullah, whose swearing-in was shown on state television.

Heba Morayef, Egypt director for Human Rights Watch, said: "Egypt needed judicial reform and the public prosecutor is a Mubarak holdover, but granting the president absolute power and immunity is not the way to do it."

(Additional reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Tom Perry; Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

NY Fed wins dismissal of ex-AIG CEO's bailout lawsuit

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York won the dismissal of former American International Group Inc Chief Executive Maurice "Hank" Greenberg's $25 billion lawsuit accusing it of unlawfully bailing out the insurer during the 2008 financial crisis.

The decision issued Monday by U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer in Manhattan was a ringing endorsement of broad central bank power to try to preserve the global financial system from systemic threats.

It was also a defeat for Greenberg, 87, and his Starr International Co. Before the bailout, AIG had been the world's largest insurer by market value and Starr was its largest shareholder, with a 12 percent stake.

"The decision vindicates the Fed at every turn," said David Skeel, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania. "It shows a willingness, now and in the future, to give the Federal Reserve extraordinary flexibility to respond to a financial crisis without a serious risk of potential legal liability."

Starr accused the New York Fed of engineering a "backdoor" bailout for Wall Street banks including Goldman Sachs Group Inc at the expense of AIG shareholders, by forcing the insurer to unwind its bets on mortgage debt through hundreds of billions of dollars of credit default swaps.

It also contended that the New York Fed breached its duties to shareholders under the law of Delaware, where New York-based AIG is incorporated.

But Engelmayer said AIG acted out of "corporate desperation" in accepting the $182.3 billion rescue. He also rejected Starr's likening the New York Fed to a "loan shark" for providing an initial $85 billion credit line at a 14.5 percent interest rate.

"Merely because the AIG board felt it had 'no choice' but to accept bitter terms from its sole available rescuer does not mean that that rescuer actually controlled the company," Engelmayer wrote.

The judge also found nothing to suggest that AIG directors who approved the unwinding of the swaps were "in any way less than 100 percent independent."

Starr and Greenberg sued over the bailout last November and are still suing the New York Fed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C., under different legal theories.


Robert Dwyer, a partner at Boies, Schiller & Flexner who represents Greenberg, said Starr may appeal Engelmayer's decision to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. He said the decision will not affect the Washington, D.C. case.

Greenberg's office had no immediate comment.

The New York Fed said in a statement: "We are pleased with the court's decision to dismiss this case, which we have always believed to be without merit."

Richard Epstein, a professor at New York University School of Law, said the ruling was not surprising because the New York Fed could not be held legally responsible to always craft perfect solutions in times of crisis.

"It's just too much to demand of anybody that in the face of all these kinds of turmoil, you come up with the optimal solution when no one is clear about what the optimal solution is," he said.

AIG was bailed out on September 16, 2008, one day after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc went bankrupt, as losses soared from the credit default swaps.

Greenberg, who led AIG for nearly four decades before he was ousted in 2005, accused the New York Fed of wasting more than $60 billion of AIG and taxpayer funds through the bailout.

He said the rescue terms improperly benefited banks such as Goldman, Deutsche Bank AG and Societe Generale, allowing favored counterparties to be repaid in full and freed from legal liability.

Greenberg also said the New York Fed improperly let the U.S. Treasury take a 79.9 percent stake in AIG without giving a vote to existing shareholders who would be diluted. The government stake has since fallen to about 15.9 percent.

At the time of the bailout, Henry Paulson headed the U.S. Treasury Department, and his successor Timothy Geithner was president of the New York Fed.


Engelmayer found that the New York Fed appropriately exercised its authority to try to preserve the banking system, reduce the threat of "grave national and international financial repercussions" and minimize losses to the public.

"While driving a hard bargain with the counterparties might have saved AIG and its shareholders money, (the New York Fed) could reasonably conclude that its statutory mission of stabilizing the economy made speed and closure a top priority," he wrote.

"It could reasonably conclude that it was time for the cycle of collateral calls and mammoth rescue loans to end; that the stability of the U.S. economy required decisively terminating AIG's exposure to counterparties; and that paying par value - as opposed to opening up a bazaar of uncertain and maybe protracted negotiations with counterparties - was the best means to attain such closure."

Engelmayer also said Delaware law should not be used to impose duties on the New York Fed that "squarely conflict" with the New York Fed's federal responsibilities.

He dismissed Starr's claims "with prejudice," meaning they cannot be brought again.

"The judge is saying that an instrument of government such as the New York Fed serves interests much broader than the private interest of any single party," said James Cox, a law professor at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

In the case before the Court of Federal Claims, which handles lawsuits seeking money from the government, Starr said the AIG bailout deprived shareholders of their due process and equal protection rights through an illegal "taking" of property.

The presiding judge, Thomas Wheeler, in July allowed Starr to pursue that lawsuit.

But Skeel, the University of Pennsylvania law professor, questioned its prospects in light of Engelmayer's findings.

"The fact that this was so decisively rejected raises doubts about the likelihood of success of the takings case," he said.

Shares of AIG were up 1.6 percent, at $32.31 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange. They have lost more than 97 percent of their value since credit conditions began to tighten in the middle of 2007.

The cases are Starr International Co v. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-08422; and Starr International Co v. U.S., U.S. Court of Federal Claims, No. 11-00779.

(Additional reporting by Lauren Tara LaCapra; Editing by Martha Graybow, Gerald E. McCormick, Maureen Bavdek, Grant McCool and Tim Dobbyn)


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Monkey dies from blow to head after zoo break-in

A Patas monkey looks out of his cage at Zoo Boise after his cage mate was severely injured and died in Boise, Idaho on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. Police are investing an early monring break-in at at the zoo. The injured monkey was found shortly after suspects were spotted and ran off. (AP Photo/The Idaho Statesman, Katherine Jones)

A Patas monkey looks out of his cage at Zoo Boise after his cage mate was severely injured and died in Boise, Idaho on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. Police are investing an early monring break-in at at the zoo. The injured monkey was found shortly after suspects were spotted and ran off. (AP Photo/The Idaho Statesman, Katherine Jones)

(AP) ? A break-in at Zoo Boise early Saturday left a Patas monkey dead from blunt force trauma to the head and neck and police were analyzing blood found at the scene to determine if it came from the monkey or one of two human intruders.

Two males wearing dark clothing were spotted by a security guard at 4:30 a.m. outside the fence near the primate exhibit, police said. Both fled, one of them heading into the interior of the zoo. Boise police used a thermal imager in searching the 11-acre zoo grounds but didn't find the person.

"I've been here for 15 years and we haven't had anything like this happen," Zoo Boise Director Steve Burns said. "It's unfortunate that we have to let kids know that something like this happens. Monkeys are always among the most favorite animals here."

Patas monkeys, often called the military monkey, have reddish-brown fur with grey chin whiskers and distinctive white moustaches. They are widely distributed across central Africa south of the Sahara Desert and can live more than 20 years in captivity.

During a search of the zoo before dawn, Burns heard a groan that at first he thought sounded human. It turned out to be an injured Patas monkey barely moving near the perimeter fence.

The zoo's veterinarian was called, but the monkey died just before 6 a.m. as it was being examined. A necropsy later determined that blunt force trauma was the cause of death, police said.

An inventory done by zoo staff found no other animals missing or injured. The zoo has one remaining Patas monkey ? another male ? but it's unclear if it will remain at the zoo or will be sent to another zoo where it can socialize with other Patas monkeys, Burns said.

"They're not endangered in the wild, but there are not many in zoos in the United States," he said. "Monkeys are social animals. We only have one."

The two Patas monkeys came to Zoo Boise about three years ago from Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo in Florida. They had an outdoor enclosure during the summer in Boise but were moved indoors to the primate building when colder weather arrived.

Burns said the monkeys hadn't been given names, and he didn't know their ages. The monkey that was killed was about 2 ? feet tall and weighed about 30 pounds, Burns said.

Burns declined to discuss details of the police investigation, including how the intruder entered the primate building, if the monkeys might have been specifically targeted, or how the monkey ended up near the perimeter fence. The zoo doesn't have surveillance cameras, he said.

"It's very disturbing that someone would intentionally break into the zoo and harm an animal," said Sgt. Ted Snyder of the Boise Police Department in a statement. "We're doing all we can to find who did this."

Amy Stahl of Boise Parks & Recreation said the death shocked zoo workers.

"They're hit hard," Stahl said. "They care for the animals on a daily basis and they care about them deeply."

The zoo was supposed to open at 10 a.m. but remained closed while police gathered evidence, opening about 2:30 p.m.

Associated Press


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Friday, November 16, 2012

France avoids recession; GDP up 0.2 pct in Q3

(AP) ? France's economy narrowly avoided a recession, growing slightly in the third quarter, according to official statistic released Thursday.

The French economy hasn't recorded growth since the third quarter of last year and had been widely expected to start its slide into recession in the third quarter ? technically defined as two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product. Instead, Insee, the national statistics agency, said GDP rose 0.2 percent on an annualized basis in the July-to-September period.

But the agency also revised down figures for the second quarter, saying the economy shrank 0.1 percent then. It had previously said growth was stagnant, as it had been for the previous two quarters.

Fixing France's economy amid a European-wide crisis is President Francois Hollande's biggest challenge. He has promised to rein in massive government spending and reduce the deficit, largely by raising taxes.

But those measures have put a stranglehold on growth, and the country has watched unemployment tick steadily up as a raft of companies announced layoffs in recent months. The jobless rate now stands at 10.8 percent, according to European statistics.

Hollande has promised to restore the country's competitiveness by offering a tax break to companies that kicks in next year, but many are still waiting to see how he will reform the country's stringent labor rules. Those rules make firing difficult and thus make employers reluctant to hire, even once the economy starts growing.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Labor heads say Obama backs them on 'fiscal cliff'

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Labor leaders said Tuesday that President Barack Obama remains committed to preserving tax cuts for middle class families and ensuring the wealthy pay more in taxes, outlining plans for a public campaign to pressure Republican lawmakers.

The heads of several labor unions and Democratic-leaning interest groups emerged from an hourlong meeting with Obama saying they were united with the president on how to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff" and prevent more financial hardships next year.

"We are very, very committed to making sure that the middle class and workers don't end up paying the tab for a party that we didn't get to go to and the president is committed to that as well," said AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.

Labor leaders said they plan to mobilize their members in the coming weeks to press Republicans to support the extension of tax cuts for middle income families. Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, said labor needs to remain "as engaged as we were in the election throughout the rest of this year to make sure we get the Republican House to say yes to tax cuts for the middle class."

Obama was kicking off a series of meetings this week with labor officials, business executives and congressional leaders aimed at finding consensus on the fiscal cliff. The week will include a tone-setting news conference Wednesday that will give the president the chance to frame his outlook on the year-ending lame duck session.

The president views his re-election as an affirmation of his belief that raising taxes on families earning more than $250,000 a year is what voters want. Republican House Speaker John Boehner has expressed a willingness to raise revenues but remains opposed to boosting tax rates, pointing instead to closing tax loopholes, lowering rates and fixing entitlement programs.

Both sides have voiced the potential for cooperation, but face a post-election confrontation over a series of expiring tax cuts approved during the George W. Bush presidency and tough, across-the-board spending cuts set to take place because lawmakers failed to reach a deal to reduce the federal debt.

Economists have warned the combination of the expiring tax cuts and reduced spending could hinder the economic recovery.

During Tuesday's meeting, participants said the president reiterated his contention that the wealthy should pay more in taxes and that his views were vindicated by the election. They said the president showed no willingness to extend the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy. "He's standing firm on taxes, on the issue of raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans," said Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress.

Obama meets Wednesday with a dozen CEOs from companies such as General Electric, Walmart, Ford and Chevron. Some of the participants are involved with The Campaign to Fix the Debt, which has pushed for a long-term plan to fix the nation's debt and deficits.

The gatherings set the stage for a Friday meeting with the top four leaders of Congress before Obama departs on a trip to Asia leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday.


Associated Press writer Sam Hananel contributed to this report.


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German utility E.ON lowers 2013 outlook

FILE - In this Aug. 3, 2011 file picture workers clean the company's logo at a building of E.On in Datteln, western Germany. German electricity and gas supplier E.ON AG has lowered its earnings forecast for next year because of economic uncertainties and changes in the energy industry. The reduced forecast comes as the utility, which is based in Duesseldorf, reported a 179 million euro (US $228 million) loss for the third quarter. A year earlier, it made a net profit of 173 million euro. Though the company says Tuesday Nov. 13, 2012 it's on track to meet its target for this year of underlying net income between 4.1 billion euro and 4.5 billion euro, it says it's reviewing its longer-term targets. (AP Photo/dapd/ Volker Hartmann. File)

FILE - In this Aug. 3, 2011 file picture workers clean the company's logo at a building of E.On in Datteln, western Germany. German electricity and gas supplier E.ON AG has lowered its earnings forecast for next year because of economic uncertainties and changes in the energy industry. The reduced forecast comes as the utility, which is based in Duesseldorf, reported a 179 million euro (US $228 million) loss for the third quarter. A year earlier, it made a net profit of 173 million euro. Though the company says Tuesday Nov. 13, 2012 it's on track to meet its target for this year of underlying net income between 4.1 billion euro and 4.5 billion euro, it says it's reviewing its longer-term targets. (AP Photo/dapd/ Volker Hartmann. File)

(AP) ? German electricity and gas supplier E.ON AG on Tuesday lowered its earnings forecast for next year because of economic uncertainties and changes in the energy industry, an announcement that caused its shares to tumble.

The reduced forecast came as the utility, which is based in Duesseldorf, reported a ?179 million ($228 million) loss for the third quarter.

E.ON said the earnings figure was hit by charges totaling ?1.2 billion at various units, and pointed to "a generally deteriorated business environment along with regulatory intervention."

A year earlier, E.ON made a net profit of ?173 million. Third-quarter tevenues rose to ?28.23 billion from ?24.46 billion.

E.ON's shares dropped 9.3 percent to ?15.00 in early trading in Frankfurt.

The company said it remains on track to meet its target for this year of underlying net income between ?4.1 billion and ?4.5 billion, and still plans to pay a dividend of ?1.10 per share for 2012.

However, it said it is reviewing its longer-term targets. The previous 2013 forecast for underlying net income of ?3.2 billion-?3.7 billion "no longer seems achievable" in light of the "the substantial economic uncertainties and the structural changes in the energy industry," it said. The company also said it would review longer-term statements regarding its performance in 2015.

CEO Johannes Teyssen said E.ON faces "huge challenges," particularly in its electricity generation business, and added that the company is "exploring whether to close some assets." He said one problem is that gas-fired generators "have become barely profitable to operate."

For the first nine months of the year, E.ON said its net earnings rose to ?2.73 billion from the previous year's ?864 million. Revenue increased to ?93.63 billion from ?77.51 billion.

For that period, E.ON credited an improvement in its wholesale gas business; the effect last year of costs stemming from Germany's decision to speed up its phaseout of nuclear energy; and new gas-fired generating units in Russia.

Associated Press


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Monday, November 12, 2012

Surviving Your Bankruptcy: Helpful Tips And Advice | Tustin - Santa ...

November 11, 2012

Filed under: Bankruptcy ? admin @ 8:05 pm

Sometimes, life deals you a bad hand. One thing leads to another and you wind up having to declare bankruptcy, in order to protect yourself and your family. Even if you have lost this round, bankruptcy proceedings can give you a chance to stack the deck in your favor for your next round. But you need to be familiar with the options available to you. A highly qualified bankruptcy attorney is a must.

Chapter 7

Know that calls and letters from your creditors will stop after you declare bankruptcy. Whether you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the people to whom you owe debts are forbidden from harassing you about your debt. If you receive a lot of collection calls, freeing yourself from this constant contact can be a huge relief.

Once you determined that you want to file for bankruptcy, it is important that you figure out which type is best for you to file.? Of course your attorney will guide you through this process. For instance, with Chapter 7 most of your debts will be relieved, and you can keep certain property. With Chapter 13 your debt gets restructured, and you are given a certain amount of time to pay it off.

Familiarize yourself with the requirements for different types of personal bankruptcy so you can decide which type is most appropriate for you. Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers low-income debtors the ability to liquidate their assets to repay debts. Chapter 13 requires you to have a steady source of income so that you can repay debts over time.

Bankruptcy will not harm you for the rest of your life. Just because you have gone times, does not mean that there is no sign for hope. Now that you know how to live a better life while you get through your bankruptcy, you can focus on rebuilding your finances and your credit history.


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Holiday In Australia By Campervan : Travel and Leisure

A campervan holiday is always a terrific way to discover parts of Australia. While the East coast is home to some truly beautiful sights and cities, if you venture down to the South of Australia, you will find some truly amazing places that are yet to be ruined by the crowds and progress that tourism brings.

One of these places is Whyalla, which is the largest city in the Higher Spencer Gulf Area of Western Australia. Its location on the Western foreshores makes it an ideal place for cheap campervan hire australia, as its close to a large range of attractions and natural miracles. While the city is relatively little, it is packed to bursting point with fun and adventurous things worth doing. It?s also easily accessible from Adelaide, located less than 400 kilometres away. Basically this means that you can pick up your campervan from the leading city and then make a day of it as you travel over some of the nations most unique landscapes.

Whyalla is extremely considered to be the place where ?the outback meets the sea?. Not that many would deny this title because as fast as you arrive in town, you cannot help but spot the untouched outback landscape and the enormous coastline scenic perspectives which encapsulate the essence of the city. Whyalla really is a perfect vacation spot, as it is not only gorgeous, but also rich in culture and heritage; a location where the neighbors will lead you to feel right at home.

The very first thing you need to possibly do when you get into city is find a place to remain (if you haven?t already prepared in advance). Preferred caravan parks in the Whyalla region include the Foreshore Caravan Park and Whyalla Caravan Park. Both these parks offer cosy accommodation that will meet the every need of you and your campervan. They?re also acceptable to pretty much any budget and the great news is that you can enjoy beach front perspectives, right from your terribly window.

There?s a surplus of local activities available for all the family to enjoy. The beaches, particularly the new Foreshore area, offer safe swimming and fishing, together with fantastic BBQ and playground facilities. Alternatively, take a relaxed walk along one of the numerous walking tracks, found along the coastline. The Flinders and Freycinet Lookout boasts spectacular perspectives of the Upper Spencer Gulf, Southern Flinders Range and Middleback Range in the West.

As you drive your campervan hire along the Northerly Coastline of Whyalla, you may come across Fitzgerald Bay. This spotless bay offers electrifying perspectives of the Blue Gulf Waters and the Southern Flinders Range, so be certain to have your camera available. While driving along the coast you will additionally notice the Shingle Beach Ridges, a geographical phenomenon of stone ridge synthetic obstructions.

Driving your campervan around Australia will open your eyes to the beauty that is so outstanding here. The natural wonders that surround you?ll leave you spell-bound in shock. Whyalla is a very wonderful place that should definitely be visited if you are in Australia?s southern state. You won?t be disappointed!

John Wright?s works are in books, articles and websites all around the world. Read more: cvlick here or campervan hire melbourne


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Friday, November 9, 2012

On marriage. - What a Hoot!


Today is our 20th wedding anniversary. Isn't it only our parents who have been married that long? I can't believe we have reached that milestone - and so quickly. Where do the years go??

I have had reason to think a lot about relationships and marriage lately as some relationships that we thought were rock solid have not survived, and it really does make you have a fresh look at your own situation, and realize that you can't just take your relationship for granted. It never hurts along the way to remember this again and to value what you have.?

I am so thankful to have spent these last 20 years married to Bruce, someone who always makes me laugh, who I still have fun with, who I still look forward to seeing at the end of the day. ?Here's to the next 20.

(image via Pinterest)?


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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Former Swiss banker pleads guilty in U.S. tax probe

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (Reuters) - A former Swiss banker pleaded guilty on Tuesday to helping Americans hide millions of dollars from U.S. tax authorities, and a judge noted the banker has aided investigators in a broad U.S. probe of tax evasion that has put Swiss banks on the defensive.

Christos Bagios, formerly employed by Swiss financial giants UBS AG and Credit Suisse Group AG, changed his earlier plea from not guilty in the U.S. District Court for Southern Florida. The change of plea had been expected.

A Greek citizen and Swiss resident, Bagios was sentenced by Judge Kenneth Marra to time already served, including 37 days in prison and nearly 19 months under house arrest in Miami.

In a sign that Swiss banks may come under further pressure, the judge cited the former banker's "substantial" assistance in a broad federal probe by the U.S. Department of Justice of Swiss and Swiss-style banks.

Matthew Menchel, a lawyer for Bagios, described his client as "relieved."

Bagios, 47, worked at UBS from 1999 to 2005. He was a senior banker at Credit Suisse when he was arrested in New York in January 2011. He was later charged with helping 150 Americans hide up to $500 million during his time at UBS.

Switzerland's long tradition of banking secrecy has been under pressure for some time from the United States and other countries. Burdened by deficits and debt, many countries are trying to collect more taxes from well-to-do citizens.

A broad inquiry by U.S. authorities into tax evasion services rendered to Americans by Swiss financial institutions has been under way for years. At least 11 banks are under investigation, and dozens of Swiss bankers and American clients have been indicted on tax evasion charges.

Last month, Bagios pleaded not guilty. But at the same time, he arranged for a change-of-plea hearing, leading some tax lawyers tracking his case to speculate that he was cooperating with U.S. officials in the probe of Swiss banks.

Bagios had faced up to five years in prison as well as a $250,000 fine.

Credit Suisse, Switzerland's second-largest bank, disclosed last year it was being investigated by the Justice Department. The investigation intensified after UBS, the largest Swiss bank, paid $780 million to settle charges by the U.S. government.

Other banks under investigation include Zurich-based Julius Baer and some Swiss cantonal, or regional, banks along with UK-based HSBC Holdings and three Israeli banks, Hapoalim, Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank Ltd and Bank Leumi. In February, Wegelin, Switzerland's oldest private bank, was indicted. [ID:nL2E8D2NV5] (Reporting by Kevin Gray in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Lynnley Browning in Connecticut; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Howard Goller and Tim Dobbyn)


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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Massive volcanic eruption puts past climate and people in perspective

Monday, November 5, 2012

The largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the past millions of years took place in Indonesia 74,000 years ago and researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute can now link the colossal eruption with the global climate and the effects on early humans. The results are published in the scientific journal Climate of the Past.

The volcano Toba is located in Indonesia on the island Sumatra, which lies close to the equator. The colossal eruption, which occurred 74,000 years ago, left a crater that is about 50 km wide. Expelled with the eruption was 2,500 cubic kilometers of lava ? equivalent to double the volume of Mount Everest. The eruption was 5,000 times larger than the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980 in the United States. Toba is the largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 2 million years.

The volcanic eruption threw huge clouds of ash and sulphuric acid into the atmosphere and up into the stratosphere, from where it spread across the entire globe in both the northern and southern hemispheres and fell down as acid rain.

Traces of acid rain in the ice caps

"We have now traced this acid rain in the ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica. We have long had an idea of at what depth the Toba eruption could be found in the Greenland ice cap, but we found no ash, so we could not be sure. But now we have found the same series of acid layers from Toba in the Greenland ice sheet and in the ice cap in Antarctica. We have counted the annual layers between acid peaks in ice cores from the two ice caps and it fits together," explains glaciologist Anders Svensson, Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

"This means that we can compare the ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica with a annual accuracy and thus combine our knowledge of climate change in the northern and southern hemispheres," emphasizes Anders Svensson.

There has been much speculation about how such a huge eruption affected the climate. The giant clouds of sulphur particles that are thrown up into the stratosphere form a blanket that shields from the sun's radiation and this causes the Earth to cool. But how much and for how long? Modelling has shown that such an enormous eruption could cause a cooling of up to 10 degrees in the global temperature for decades..

"In the temperature curves from the ice cores we can see that there is no general global cooling as a result of the eruption. There is certainly a cooling and large fluctuations in temperature in the northern hemisphere, but it becomes warmer in the southern hemisphere, so the global cooling has been short," says Anders Svensson.

Consequences for man

But the eruption may still have had major consequences for nature, the environment and humans in large areas of Asia, where a clear layer of ash from the eruption has been found.

The eruption occurred at a fateful time in human history, around the time when there was a mass exodus of our ancestors, Homo sapiens, from Africa to Asia and researchers believe that early people living as far as 2000 km away in eastern India were affected by the eruption, which raged for weeks.

Archaeologist, however, strongly disagree about what the consequences of the Toba eruption were for people living in the areas of Asia that were affected by the eruption. Speculation ranges from almost no effect to total or partial extermination of the population in large areas. Material from this period is too old to be dated using the carbon-14 method and the Toba ash layer is therefore a very important reference horizon.

"The new precise location of the Toba eruption in the ice cores will place the archaeological finds in a climatic context, which will help to shed light on this critical period of human history," says Anders Svensson.


Article in Climate of the Past:

University of Copenhagen:

Thanks to University of Copenhagen for this article.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Syrian tanks enter Golan Heights; Israel protests

Three Syrian tanks entered the demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights on Saturday, prompting Israel to complain to U.N. peacekeepers, a military spokesman said.

The foray would be the first such violation in 40 years and stirs concerns that violence from Syria's civil war could heat up a long-quiet frontier.

Israel's relatively low-key response of turning to the U.N. suggested it did not see the Syrian armor as an immediate threat.

But the entry marks the most serious spillover of Syria's turmoil at the frontier to date. Misfired Syrian shells have exploded inside Israel on several occasions, and a tourist site was temporarily closed after armed Syrians were spotted nearby recently.

The three tanks entered the DMZ on Saturday, and Israel lodged a complaint with the peacekeepers, an Israeli military spokeswoman said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with military protocol. She did not elaborate on what the tanks were doing.

The Israeli news site Ynet said the tanks and two armored personnel carriers drove a few miles away from Israeli military positions.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war. It later annexed the strategic territory overlooking northern Israel in a move that is not recognized internationally. Before 1967, Syria used the highlands to shell Israeli villages and farms.

There was no immediate comment from Syria.

Concern over the Syrian tanks came as Syrian rebels launched a dawn assault Saturday on a strategic airbase in the north of the country.

Fighting at the Taftanaz airbase continued into the afternoon, the anti-regime activist Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Capturing the base ? and holding on to it ? would be a major achievement for the rebels, The assault, reported by activists, came a day before the start of a key international conference in Qatar at which the United States and its allies aim to reorganize the opposition's political leadership and unite their ranks. The leadership-in-exile has been widely seen as ineffective and out of touch with rebel fighters.


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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Answers To Your Urgent Questions About Commercial Real Estate ...

Buying or selling your first commercial property isn?t as tough as it may seem. However, there are things people should know before they consider purchasing a property. Read this article to find out more about common tricks and mistakes you should avoid to become a successful investor.

Create your own blog or personal website where you can present yourself as an expert in your field. Doing so may open up opportunities for you to sell your available properties or arrange for new deals.

Think big when you are looking for a permanent location for a business that you hope will grow. You should rent commercial properties that will allow your business to grow.

When you are shopping for a commercial property, be sure to confirm that you will have access to utilities. Every business? needs are different, but at a minimum, most businesses will need power, sewer and water services.

You need to acknowledge that property has a limited lifespan. It?s important to factor maintenance costs into your projections of what you?ll need to spend on the property over the long term. Properties may need expensive repairs. For example, the electrical system may be faulty or out of date, or the roof may require replacement. Although every building needs maintenance and updating at some point, some need repairs and upgrades more often. Estimate the cost of repairs over the years, and plan for them.

Invest in real estate that has a large number of units. The higher the number of units you have in a property, the more streams of financial income you have from the property. It is advised that you should purchase at least ten units to get the maximum income from your commercial investment.

Location is key in commercial real estate. You will want to focus on the actual neighborhood for starters. Also, consider local growth projections. Do not buy a property that is located in a neighborhood likely to take a wrong turn in the next five years.

When thinking about financing for properties of a commercial nature, it is important to go over paperwork with a reputable real estate attorney. If something horrible happens when you are dealing with real estate, the right attorney can make a world of difference.

As noted earlier, successful commercial real estate endeavors require a good deal of know-how. It was the purpose of this article to provide you with information that will make you a success in the commercial real estate market.


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